Some of the challenges below involve sending in screenshots of the game. Screenshots are taken by pressing F2. They can then be found in %appdata%\.minecraft\screenshots on a windows PC. If you can't work this out then a mobile phone picture of your screen will be good enough, which you can then email to us. Email your screenshots or photos to me at the contact email your leader gave you in order to get your points. Make sure you include your full name and scout group ID in your email.
Top Tip: You can view a map of the server and where you are at
If you are playing minecraft this weekend just fill in the form below and tell me that you are doing the district competition in the in game chat. We will work out which ones you have done and give you points for it.
Treasure Hunt
Can you find all these places in game and take a selfie there?
Press F5 twice to change the camera so you're looking at yourself, then press F2 to take a screenshot. Afterwards press F5 again to return to the normal camera.
Points will be awarded according to the number of people who get each location. So the least found location will earn the most points!
These location could be on hub, survival, creative, or skyworld; So try them all out!
Once you have found as many as you can email in the screenshots following the instructions at the top of the page.
In Survival you have skill levels a bit like a lot of other computer games. Playing in survival will level up your skills. Points will be awarded depending on you skill level at the end of JOTI. It will tell you in game when you level up a skill level.
Sky world
Start an island on skyworld and try to get as many levels as you can. Complete challenges to increase your island level. You can see all the challenges and hand in the required items to complete them by typing "/is challenges" into chat. You can also get a job in skyworld and get paid our in game currency (skittles) just for doing certain tasks like chopping wood, or farming.
Jump into creative and build your scout hut/meetings place for extra points. Or if you want, build your perfect meeting place from your imagination.
On Scoutlink we have four minigames you can play.
Werewolf - a murder mystery
Build Battle - fast paced creativity and building
Camp Defence - Cooperative game to protect your camp from waves of zombies
Parkour - Complete as many jumps as you can before falling off. This one is in the hub.
Play games to earn points. Win them to earn even more!